Sunday, October 14, 2007

How to save the planet

The non-environmental world's reaction to Al Gore's being honored as a Nobel Peace Prize winner is disturbing.

photo credit: Al Gore Speaking this morning at the Alliance for Climate Protection, LiveEarth. org

I thought Americans would simply be proud of him.

Is it a stretch to see creating awareness of the effects of over energy use and how to make simple and difficult corrections – would be a healthy planet? And a healthy planet is as important as a peaceful planet.

And isn't politicizing the science of global warming needed to get governments as well as people to understand the repercussions of over energy usage?

And isn't the media reaction to a pretty good Oscar award winning documentary part of what's needed to create the right sort of buzz, get people thinking, talking, taking action?

The negative comments about Al Gore only thinly veil the greed of too many Americans and their excessive consumption, the excuses they postulate, their condemnation of someone who is making a positive difference in a crisis of global proportions. It's appalling.

One person writes about how Al Gore uses too much energy himself. That he heats a pool, that his house uses more energy in a month than a normal family uses in a year. And that buying some sort of energy shares to offset his consumption is more a statement of how rich people can screw up the planet but the rest of us can't. Well actually buying the carbon shares does offset energy consumption. But something about this observation saddens me. Partly because it's true...that wealth does buy privileges, even about global warming. And that the pursuit of wealth might actually be part of the global warming problem.

The vehemence with which some people write about Al Gore seems to be about more than his winning the Nobel Peace Prize. The divisions among Americans can not be allowed to color issues about the environment. Red states and blue states need to become GREEN states.

Global Warming isn't a Democrat or Republican or Independent issue; it's a planet Earth issue. Al Gore gets it.

Yesterday I was very happy for Al Gore. Today I am concerned for about half the Americans in the country. What are you thinking people?

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