We've got to find a better way of electing a president.
One idea (John Cleese's if one can believe the Internet) is to give ourselves back to Great Britain. There's a precedent, of course. And there's nothing in that option which restructures a presidential election system - except, the simplest change - eliminating the office.
I wonder, did wagons, horses, oxen and mules walk, ride and drive on the left side of the road during George II's reign in America? These days, the driving situation would have to be worked out since Americans have little or no capacity to change from right to left. I believe this a good part of the problem, isn't it?
Another suggestion is to mandate our elected Congressional representatives to pick someone or a few people and decide among themselves who should be president. Again, there's a precedent for this procedure since I think G. Washington owes his tenure as our president to this system. Was he a one term president? Does anybody know? (I've been filled-in. The original G.W. was a two term president.) I wonder if anyone taught us that bit of information? Oh, I could google it...but I prefer to believe that the original G.W. was only a single digit president. Perhaps no one believed he'd work out. And too bad the original G.W.'s term limit behavior wasn't followed by the current fellow (well, as it turns out sameolesameole.) Alas.
Which leads us to our current pickle. I am astounded about how much air and pixel and viewing time is being devoted to the question of America's recession. Why is there any doubt? We hear about the fellows who are running for president and then we hear which company has scored a few billion dollars and then we hear the debate regarding the recession.
It's a quandary.
I've found another solution is simply to trudge out to the polls and pull the level as we still do in my rural neighborhood. No hanging chads for us country folk. No electronic do-hinkies. We do our election duties in ancient metal booths with their original gray serge curtains on the incredibly noisy metal track. We push those mechanical fingers that line up (sort of) underneath or next to names of those running for office and the states or counties proposals which we think is giving us some input into how local governments are run.
We have a Congresswoman to elect this year. She's running a clean campaign against a rich guy who's been in the current G.W.'s pocket for ages. He talks a big talk (trise into my phone on one of those automatic calling annoying intrusions into my kitchen or bedroom. He's also flung lots of flotsam at our Congresswoman's politics and history (she worked for big tobacco but she's reformed now that she's pocketed the big bucks...or that's her opponents message...I don't care as long as she supports environmental issues and green energy. It would be nice to see the war come to an end as well.) Anyhow she beat the last incumbent dead beat fellow whose head was protruding from G.W.'s pants - in a tight campaign one term ago.
So, my buddy Rocky has composed a message which speaks, literally, more to the issues I hold near and dear. You'll have to follow the Rocky link, to listen.
I have to thank Blue Mountain for their excellent talking cards which I feel I've monopolized for my own amusement for the past couple days.
I imagine I'll have something to say on November 5th. Won't we all.
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